The mobility landscape is changing rapidly

  • Increasingly diverse lifestyles
  • New and emerging modes and Mobility as a Service
  • Less predictable travel and activity patterns

In today’s rapidly changing environment, transport planners and service providers require more accurate, detailed and up-to-date behavioral data. Mobile Market Monitor’s platform provides a previously unobtainable range of human mobility and activity insights.


Our X-ING™ app is designed to collect a variety of sensor data, including GPS, GSM, accelerometer and WiFi, from Android and iOS smartphones and transmits the data to our machine-learning backend. We continually innovate to ensure that our apps produce the best data quality and user experience possible.


Our intelligent algorithms use the sensor data, relevant user data and local contextual information, such as the transit network, to detect stops and trips, and infer travel modes and activities to create a detailed travel timeline. Our platform is uniquely designed to capture all trips, including access to and egress from transit, and captures a wide range of established and emerging travel modes and activity categories.


Our X-ING™ app features a “Trip Diary” and an interactive “Map” of daily routes. A “Summary” tab provides users with a personalized record of their data collection progress and graphs of their recent travel and activity behavior. Our engaging and user-friendly interface is fully customizable.


Our fully-featured Data Management System (DMS) offers a range of tools for clients and other project team members to monitor data collection progress, manage individual users, access interim ready-to-use processed data files, and provide verification assistance to users who require it.

Mobile Market Monitor’s software eliminates the data quality issues commonly experienced with travel surveys and enables measurement of:

  • Day to day variation in travel and activity patterns

  • Precise start and stop times

  • Route information
  • All trips including first/last mile, work-based sub-tours
  • Richer activity patterns with greater detail on leisure and out-of-work activities

Measure what people do,
Not what they say they do.

Our collaborators include:

Our platform has been applied in projects with Transport Ministries, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Development Banks, and Universities around the globe